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Why do I prefer container gardening?

Almost all my plants are kept in containers - any shape and size! A lot of people do prefer to garden in raised beds, the soil can keep its quality better year after year in the ground.  But I prefer to use a different container for each plant! Keep reading to hear my pros and cons for container gardening. u/Longjumping-Quit7471, u/Living-Valuable-376, u/Parking-Bit-9217, u/RaintreeJames   What is container gardening? Container gardening is keeping all your plants in pots. It's ideal for if you don't have much space, or for me it works better! For beginners it's a good way to start, you don't need to buy much.  Weeding your plants is much easier: With only the space in the container, it's easier to keep up with weeding. As I’m weeding more often, I find the roots don't get a chance to develop, and they pull out easier. I can avoid the pesky mosquitoes in the summer: Mosquitos are the devil in the summer! Where I still have some beds, over the winter I can't ...

Photos from the 2022 BCSS CactusWorld

CactusWorld is a competitive show that exhibits cacti and succulents from all over the country -

148 classes, plant sales, and plant society displays! It is run by BCSS (British Cactus and

Succulent Society) who have 70 branches across the UK and are known for their knowledge of

cacti and succulents that they share with their members.

Their Autumn CactusWorld show took place at the Newark Showground on the 3rd of September

this year. Today I will be sharing with you one winner, and my favourite photos of the show.


One winner has been posted online, and it is a gerrardanthus macrorhizus grown by the owners

of Big Cactus Rescue. Such an incredible plant!


Then below you can see some photos of winners, not officially announced online.

Photos of the show:


The BCSS also host a CactusWorldLIVE and regular virtual talks. Here is their link to find out


 ----> Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, Nate.


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